Junior National Mini Hereford Expo | Wrapping up in Chillicothe

Great start to the day, Old Glory standing strong amongst the new glory the kids have been working for all summer.

Reba Colin uses Sullivan’s Prime Time Adhesive to fit the perfect hind leg.

The three key products to start a perfect hind leg: Sullivan’s Final Bloom, Prime Time Adhesive, and Tail Adhesive.

Jenna White sets her calf up for Judge Scott Werning, with on lookers watching in the background.

Judge Scott Werning had his hands full with a very competitive Mini Hereford show.

Brady Streeter uses Sullivan’s Prime Time Adhesive while fitting the front leg of his heifer.

Keaton Otto using Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive to prepare the perfect tailhead.

Austin Waltz helps Ryder Heter while fitting his heifer for the show.

Congratulations to the Burns family on their success at the Junior National Mini Hereford Expo!

Its been such a long week for the kids and parents with all the activities, that this dad needed a nap before the Mini Hereford banquet. Congratulations to all the young kids on a great week with the Sullivan team and safe travels home. Until next year!

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