Junior National Hereford Exposition 2022 | Green Chips and Magic Sticks

Walton Webcasting is keeping the barn and the world up-to-date on live ring coverage at JNHE.

Judge Darla Aegerter selecting a champion during the junior division of showmanship.

Paige Lemenager double fisting Sullivan combs to get twice the work done.

Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag explains the Sullivan Scratch Off Game to exhibitors.

Chad Shelton, Jacob Bowen, & Peighton Rhinehart playing an intense game of checkers waiting for their Showmanship Heat.

Fallon Gohr receiving congratulatory hugs after being named Champion Intermediate Showman!

Hey Cade Waldrip! Are those starched jorts?

Congratulation handshakes from Kane Aegerter to a very deserving peewee showman.

Garret Post putting the work into the details on clipping.

Have no fear, Bailey is here… with all the Sullivan Clipper bags!


The pulse archive