No better place to spend money then to buy in on a genetic powerhouse like HAHN CL Chaos. He made lots of friends out in public at NAILE and now he is ready for more friends after standing in his first backdrop picture at NAILE. You have multiple ways to get in on this bull and the following is one of them:


Semen Packages:
10 units for $500
25 units for $1000


Clodfelter Livestock and HAHN Family Shorthorns, LLC look forward to working with you. Please contact the following to get a semen package. We are only offering a select amount:


Aaron Hahn 309-645-4488
Matthew Hahn 309-645-9656
Jeremy Hahn 309-231-5484
Richard Hahn 309-645-3911
Mitch Clodfelter 815-213-1797



HAHN CL Chaos S21H


The pulse archive