JNHE Helpful Hints Take 1:
➢ Online entry site: herefordjuniornational.com
➢ All steers showing at the Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE) must be registered by the American Hereford Association (AHA) and out of a registered sire and dam. ALL steers must have a DNA profile on file at the AHA at the time of entry. No steer certificates will be accepted, only registration papers.
➢ The online entry system will not work without a registration number, so please plan ahead to ensure registrations and transfers are handled in advance of the June 1 deadline. “PENDING” or “APPLIED
FOR” will not, under any circumstances, be accepted online in the registration column or on the JNHE entry form. YOU MUST have a registration number before completing online entry or mailing your entry to AHA.
➢ Please be sure to indicate whether your heifer(s) will show in the owned show, the bred-and-owned show, or both. Heifers exhibited in both shows will require two entry fees and one bedding fee.
➢ You will be able to add cattle, order meal tickets, extra t-shirts, and showmanship entries via the online system till June 1st. Sure Champ will be sponsoring one free shirt to each exhibitor who enters cattle; additional shirts are $20, please mark the correct shirt size for each shirt ordered.