JCFA Hottest Show On Earth (Tampa, FL.) | Top 5 American Steers


Sire: Nexgen 279

Dam: shorthorn

Bred and Sold By: Lilly Larsen

Congratulations to Lilly Larsen



Sire: Buckshot

Dam: Brangus

Bred and Sold By: Kolton Thigpen

Congratulations to Sydnee Gilliam


3rd Overall

Sire: commercial 

Dam: commercial 

Bred and Sold By:  Sullivan Show Cattle

Congratulations to  Luke Larson


4th Overall

Sire: Maintainer Bull

Dam: Brangus X

Bred and Sold By: Drew Beatie

Congratulations to Tucker Kilgore


5th Overall

Sire: PB Beefmaster

Dam: MAB

Bred and Sold By: Drew Beattie

Congratulations to  Drew Beattie

The pulse archive