It’s Closing Time | American Royal

AJ Rogers uses some Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive on a front leg.


Supreme Heifer Judge, Jimmy Linthicum walks down his supreme line up of heifers.


Troy and McKenna Richardson blow out their Hereford heifer.


Brant Shores just putting the big smoke on this top line.


The Man, the Myth, the Legend, Ross Helms.


Judge Jimmy Linthicum selects Hadley Hartman as Supreme champion female.


Bailey Tomson gets gets Champion Limousin Heifer in the Supreme Drive.


Jimmy Linthicum and his daughter, Cheryl discuss their line up of heifers.


Garrett Lampe and Randy Mullinix tag team clipping a calf.


Hugs all around for the Hartman family after Supreme Junior Heifer Drive.

Congratulations to the newly crowned Hereford queen, Kaylee Mcinvale

Congratulations to all of the exhibitors that showed at the 2020 American Royal! It was a great show and we cannot wait to see everyone back in Kansas City next year!


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