When Katy Pryor is in the wash rack, you know the job is getting done right.
Tail Adhesive is once again trusted by Bode Druckenmiller.
Avery Sweeney’s team celebrating the win!
Judge Amanda Schnoor congratulating Kinnick Paulsen for Reserve Champion Breeding Heifer.
Working hair with a Beast blower and listen to your favorite tunes at the Iowa State Fair. Does it get better than this?
Jordan Crosman, whatcha listening to?
Judge Amanda Schnoor, once again, delivering a powerful grand drive speech.
Cowboy Cal Pryor is back at it once again.
Hey Brock Bowman, what is new on the Pulse?
Travis and Mindy Curtin get emotional after Sloane’s 3rd Overall win.
Judge Amanda Schnoor gives the champion slap to Avery Sweeney!
Troy Condon shaping a back leg with his Andis ZR II clippers.
If you don’t have Abree Belcher on your team, you are missing out!
Brant Will, one of the biggest Pulse followers, clipping a topline.
Brandon Johnannsen perfecting a tailhead.
Chase Rozenboom, master of tailheads.
Jeff and Carmen Paulsen share a moment during the final drive.