TODAY – Cancel any extra stalls to
#10 – Read the rules – either on line or those in your mail. Trust Me….. it’ll help.
#9- Coordinate with your fellow County beef exhibitors. It’ll save space, chutes, power, etc.
#8- Double check a) Health papers b) Registration Papers c) Drug Affidavits d) Ear Tattoo’s
#7- UNPACK the generator – those are not allowed this year- at all/period/nada.
#6- Consider entering Showmanship on Monday – it’ll be good for 4-H’er and the calf
#5- Know where the following are – 4-H Beef Office, Vet’s Office, Exhibitor’s Meeting location, Pavilion.
#4- Understand the “no shrink” rule and the “weigh back” rule (market animals only).
#3- Ration your daily chocolate shake allowance… or not
#2- Cooperate- “This too shall be OK “
#1- Attitude….. Attitude…..Attitude….. It makes all things great!