What a great, competitive crowd to play a round of Show Day 101 with.
Who loves Stock Show U freebies? Everyone loves Stock Show U freebies!!
Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag kicking off the clinic and getting everyone registered in the game.
Purina Representative, Joel Edge speaking to the crowd regarding Purina — sponsor of Stock Show U.
It wouldn’t be a Stock Show U clinic without a table of products to display!
Full concentration was happening in the sale arena for the game!
Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag explaining to the group the difference between Tail Adhesive and PrimeTime Adhesive.
Director of Product Management, Scott Kinzer playing the role as the game show computer man!
These exhibitors might have missed school today for the show, but they were in full learning mode today!
Congratulations to the Top 3 winners for the Show Day 101 Kahoot game today, pictured with Scott Kinzer, Director of Product Management, and Tess Mittag, Manager of Stock Show U.
1st Place — Leah Hoffman
2nd — Daphne Gobeli
3rd — Emmett Luellen and Levi Hick