Inside the Showbox with Ryan Lane

Ryan Lane is a 17 year old from Grove, Oklahoma. Currently a junior at Grove High School, Ryan is heavily involved in both 4-H and FFA along with Shorthorn associations. Ryan has been showing for about 9 years and has plans to continue to pursue his passion for showing livestock.


What is your favorite show ?
Fort Worth is my favorite show, it’s fairly close to home and is always so easy going


What is your favorite thing to do in the show barn?
Shedding out old hair in the spring


What’s the weirdest thing thats in your show box at a show?
Many broken extension cords and electrical parts


What breed do yo show? Why do you like showing this breed?

Shorthorn, Shorthorn plus, and sim solution, I’m a third generation Shorthorn producer and found they excel as mothers, we have started showing some SimSolutions because we have found they cross well with the Shorthorns


What are some of your favorite products to use on your animals?
For daily use we will wear out a Sullivan’s Rice Root Brush, on show days we use a variety of products, but nothing beats the original Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive.


What is your showbox staple item?

The staple items in our showbox are Sullivan’s Kleen Sheen and Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive


Tell us about your favorite show animal.
I’ll always have fond memories of my first show heifer, Rosie Star, but right now my favorite is my crossbred Steer Fu, he has had the most personality as any calf has before.


What is your favorite part about showing?
The memories and friendships that I will one day be able to tell my kids about.



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