Champion Market Hog
Champion Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Next Intention
Bred by: G & S
Congratulations to Corey Cress
Reserve Market Hog
Reserce Crossbred Barrow
Sire: Steeltown
Bred by: Hilty
Congratulations to Makenah Rohr
Third OVerall Market Hog
Champion Duroc Barrow
Sire: Red Eye
Bred by: Platt
Congratulations to Riley Wendt
Fourth Overall Market Hog
Champion Spot Barrow
Sire: Double Down
Bred by: Corya
Congratulations to Kipton Edie
Fifth Overall market Hog
Champion Crossbred Gilt
Sire: Victory Road
Bred by: Keplinger
Congratulations to Gracie McHenry