Illinois Junior Hereford Association Updates About JNHE

Hello IJHA!
Just a few quick reminders for today:
1. !!! IJHA Preview Show entries are due June 1st, after June 1st, fees double per entry!!
2. Scholarships, Awards, Director and Speech Contest applications are due June 1st. Please submit these applications to the listed contact on the app.
3. If you are interested in being a Queen/Princess, contact Tracie Sayre.
4. !!! Earlybird entries for JNHE are due today! So make sure to submit those if you want to save some money!
5. Please review the contest information regarding JNHE as some of the rules have changed and new contests have been added!
Again, IJHA entries are due JUNE 1st! Thank you to those who have already submitted your entries, I appreciate you!
As always if you have any questions or issues, please let me know!
Congratulations to all our graduates and good luck to everyone as we finish up the school year!
Molly Biggs
IJHA Secretary
[email protected] | (779) 861-0725

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