Hey Sophia, What’s in your showbox? 

This goat showing high school senior is paving a road full of banners and gold buckles, get to know Oklahoma native Sophia Estrada! When Sophia isn’t in the barn or at a show she enjoys Road-tripping with Luke, Clara, and Lane, photography, and spending time with her friends and family! 

What’s your favorite show? Oklahoma Youth Expo!


What is your favorite thing to do in the barn? I enjoy working hair and skin and improving my showmanship skills as well as, spending time with my animals. 


What is your least favorite thing to do in the barn? Cleaning pens.


What’s the weirdest thing that’s in your show box at a show? My best friend’s hair gel.


What breed do you show? Why do you like showing this breed? I like showing goats because there are many routine things, I do to get them ready for the showring. With having many things to do in the barn everyday it keeps me busy and gives me time to interact and bond with each of my animals. When it comes to liking does, wether dams, or wethers more, I am partial to wether dams and wethers. Showing wethers and wether dams gives me enough things to do in the show ring to do instead of fidgeting and not letting my animal do its thing.


What are some of your favorite products to use on your animals? When working hair and skin my go to is Sullivan Supply’s Revive to condition their hide and increase healthy hair growth. When fitting, Sullivan Supply’s Tail Adhesive and Powder’ful are a go to!


What’s your showbox staple item? Baby powder, extra show chains, zip ties, and Benadryl. 


What is your go to show halter/collar/whip (depending on species) and why? I use a leather handle prong collar at home and in the show ring. Using this piece of equipment gives me control of the animal and allows me to properly present them. 


What is your favorite part about showing? Showing livestock is one of my favorite things so finding a specific thing that is my favorite is tough. I enjoy the people and the environment. I did not grow up with a traditional background in agricultural so when I found my place in the show barn, I knew exactly where I belonged. This industry has not only changed my life but the lives of so many others. I can thank showing for giving me my best friends, memories to last a lifetime, and laughs that still make me smile today!


What is one piece of advice for future showmen & friends? Hard work pays off. Do not be upset because of loses but take them as a lesson and strive to be better because of them. 


Sophia, Sullivan Supply would like to wish you another year full of success and growth. We can’t express how proud we are to have youth like you in our industry! Hard work does pay off and we are enjoying watching you reap the benefits from your efforts. Keep up the hard work!

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