
It’s difficult at any time of the year to go through hard times and it’s especially difficult over the Christmas Season.  Sullivan Supply South has a dear employee, Jennifer Sifford who’s going through a very rough time.

Jennifer and her husband Mike, have 5 children 4 still living at home and very active in extracurricular school activities, including showing pigs.

Their daughter Destini, is 13 year old, and was born with Cystic Fibrosis,  Cystic Fibrosis is a horrible disease that mostly affects the lungs, but also the pancreas, liver and intestines. It has a long term effect on your breathing and lung functions.  This condition is considered “life threatening”.

Destini has been in and out of the hospital more than most of us will ever be in our lives.  In the past 6 months alone, she has spent over 100 days in the hospital with multiple lung collapses, infections, and surgeries.  This disease could and will most likely require a lung transplant at some point.  This family has incomprehensible medical and pharmaceutical bills.  They have made uncountable trips back and forth from Hillsboro to Cook’s Medical Center which has caused further financial burdens with gas, food, and miscellaneous expenses that we know come along with any hospital stay.  They have missed numerous days from their jobs, causing even more financial burdens.

Click here to read more! 


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