Get your AGJA Donation Heifer Raffle Tickets Now!

WINNER will be drawn in less than four weeks!
The drawing for the 2023 AGJA Donation Heifer provided by Rumfelt Farms of Phillipsburg, MO will take place on Monday, January 2, 2023 at the AGA National Sale held in conjunction with the 2023 Cattlemen’s Congress!
Ticket buyer’s choice between a high class, functional and sound female or $1000 cash. Contact any active AGJA member or message us right here on Facebook to purchase your tickets TODAY!
AGJA Members can earn up to 10 points toward their All Around Exhibitor points for the 2023 AGJA Great Dakota Classic as well. Thank you to all who have already purchased tickets or continue to share our fundraising efforts and spread the word. It truly does not go unnoticed.

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