Get to Know Your S/S Repair Manager – Iowa: Jeff Treadway

Our Sullivan Supply Crew have become friendly, familiar faces from coast to coast, and Jeff Treadway is no stranger to that life. Jeff Treadway joined our team in Dunlap, IA, eight years ago. Jeff Treadway’s background in the show industry and being a part of the ever-evolving industry have helped him learn how to serve our customers better.

Starting as a Traveling Sales Representative, Jeff Treadway’s niche for sharpening blades and repairing clippers has made him a go-to favorite with customers across the country. Traveling from show to show built valuable relationships with many who trust Jeff’s ability to provide quality repair work. This spurred his transition from the traveling team to full-time Repair Manager at our Iowa location.

Jeff Treadway is very diverse in repair, being able to fix anything from fans to blowers, and clippers. Sharpening is a beast within itself; Jeff Treadway is ready to take on any task at hand! The new Nebraska Blade Sharpener by Edge Pro that Sullivan Supply purchased to excel in sharpening is laser-guided, which allows for consistent edges, guaranteed in a timely fashion. Being so specialized, Treadway can also work on pet groomer blades, clippers, and scissors.

Clipper repair, blade sharpening, and fans have a seven-day turnaround while in the shop. Simply mail them to 35 Industrial Drive, Dunlap, IA, with attention to Jeff Treadway.


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