Get to know Tucker Bayer!

Read this SC Online Interview of Tucker Bayer!
Tucker Bayer is the son of Mia and Scott Bayer. We rencently got to visit with Tucker. Check it out here!
If you just won the $10 million lottery, what would you do with the money?
-Go on vacation and buy show cows.
Would you rather show Angus or Reds?
If you could win any show what would it be?
-Louisville Jr. Heifer Show.
What do the connections you have made through this industry mean to you?
-I have met my best friends in this industry and all of these people have made me into who I am today and I am so thankful for what everything does.
If you could be anyone for a day who would it be and why?
-Rashan Gary so I could hit people for a whole day.
What is your pre-show hype song?
-Cocky, Kid Rock.
What is a time in the show ring you will never forget?
-When I got 4th Overall at Angus Jr. Nationals in 2019!
How has SCO impacted your operation?
-It has been there with us through our ups and downs and has always been super easy to work with.
Where do you see TC Reds going?
-I see TC Reds raising cattle that doesn’t just change the Red Angus industry but the livestock industry.
How is uncle life?
-Great, I’m the favorite uncle!
What is the best advice you have ever been given?
-Make your calf look the best it can all the time.
You are at a dance, what is your go to dance move?
-The worm!
What are your future goals/plans?
– Raise, and show cattle, and judge in college.
Biggest pet peeve on show day?
-When the wrong show halter is on a heifer.
What has been the coolest thing to happen to you?
-When Calli stopped yelling at me after I showed.
Who has been your biggest inspiration?
-Ty, My brother.
What is the winter like in Wisconsin?
– Cold and snowy!
What have your siblings done for your show career?
-They have helped with everything from showmanship to working cattle and I appreciate everything they do even if it doesn’t seem like it.
What advice do you have for young livestock enthusiasts?
-Stick with it even if things don’t always go your way.
If you could go anywhere in the world for vacation, where would you go?
-Pebble Beach Golf Course.
What is a food you will not eat?
-Anything green.
What is your favorite thing to do in the barn? Least favorite?
-My favorite thing to do is rotobrushing and my least favorite is blowing.
What do you do outside of showing?
-I like snowboarding, golfing, and playing football.
What is your favorite thing about showing two breeds?
-Meeting people from both breeds and brining the positives from both breeds together so you can improve both breeds.
What show do you hope to judge some day?
-National junior angus show with my brother!
We wish you the best of luck Tucker! You have a great cheering section in your corner.

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