Gelbvieh junior national entry deadline


We’re drawing closer every day to the entry deadline for the 2023 AGJA Great Dakota Classic, in Huron, SD.

Don’t forget to browse through the Junior Classic details found under the Junior tab at that was updated April 1, 2023. Leadership opportunities, contest details and resources along with many other details are organized by category for your convenience!

Five tips to entering Junior Classic:

Have entry info. ready: Registration number, tattoo/EID, Date of Birth, etc.
Review class divisions so you know which division your entry will be shown.
Showing Cows? Make sure her calf is registered!
Pay close attention to contest dates/times.
Double check entry and exhibitor information for accuracy before submitting!

We look forward to seeing all of you in Huron, SD and appreciate all that our host state has done in preparation for our arrival in less that 50 days.


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