We were happy to arrive in Kansas City for the American Royal to kick off steer weekend. Check out some of our shots from around the American Royal Complex.
A cool view of the American Royal Complex that hold so much history.
Bayley Kroupa assisting Tracy Goretska with the clipping of her steer.
Abby Kuppler blowing our her steer in the stalls.
These chutes will not be empty long when the steer show kicks off tomorrow at a 1:00 pm.
Sydney Schnoor heading in from a walk with her steer.
A steer proudly displaying his American Royal ear tag.
Sales Representative Fred Jepsen helping customers at the Sullivan Supply trailer.
Grand Vickland and Colby Tabor rining calves.
Lauren Bilderback combing out her steers tail.
Rebecca Griffiths clipping in the stalls.
Members of the Red Valley Farms crew looking through cattle on a slow day in the barn.
The unique American Royal show ring ready for a busy day tomorrow!