Charolais Junior Nationals
8:00 am
- Owned Heifer Show- Curtis Doubet
Shorthorn Junior Nationals
8:00 am
- Ring 1 : B&O Purebred Female Show, B&O Purebred Bull Show, B&O ShorthornPlus Female Show, Purebred Prospect & Market Steer Show – Chase Ratliff
- Ring 2 : ShorthornPlus Female Show, Shorthorn Plus B&O Bulls, ShorthornPlus Prospect & Market Steer Show – Krisha Geffert
Red Angus Junior Nationals
8:00 am
- Breeder’s Cup Futurity Show, B&O Females, B&O Bulls, 1A Steers, % Steers – Chris and Sharee Satry
6:00 pm
- Awards Banquet
Aberdeen Junior Nationals
6:30 – 8:30 pm
- AJAA Banquet and Awards Ceremony
Mini Hereford (MHJNA)
8:30 am – Cary Crow; Bob May
- Pre Jr Cow/Calf
- Jr Cow/Calf
- Pre Jr B&O Heifers
- Jr B&O Heifer
- Pre Jr Bulls
1:00 pm
- Jr Bulls
- Pre Jr Prospect Steer
- Jr Prospect Steer
- Pre Jr Market Steer
- Jr Market Steer
5:00 pm
- Awards Banquet