For the Love of Heifers in Loveland | Blackout 6 Jackpot & Green & Gold Showdown

Mark Core selects the Grand Champion Overall Heifer, Mason Walker. Congratulations Mason on having Supreme Heifer in both rings!

Power couple, Mark and Deb Core, examine their final drive tonight.

Austin Vieselmeyer dial in a tail head this morning.

Dustin Frank uses some tail scissors to get this tailhead right.

Judge Scott Schaake selects Masa Arnold for Reserve Mini Hereford today.

Trevor Bormann uses Sullivan’s Black Finisher to touch up the backleg of his Champion Maine-Angus Heifer before the Grand Drive on the Green & Gold side.

Rahylee Rodgers focuses on the judges during the Blackout 6 Grand Drive tonight.

Sam Henderson works on his Angus heifer’s front leg this morning.


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