Exhibitor Spotlight Interview – Hailey Albrecht

What Is Your Story?


Tell us a little about your operation, breeding or show program.
– I love to show. I manage my barn so that the animals are ready for target shows. I show sheep and goats at major national shows as well as large shows and fairs in the west. I am always shopping for the next “cool cat” to add to my program. My barn routine and management of my animals is super structured. My Mom jokingly refers to it as “camp Hailey”. I also have an extensive coaching program for other exhibitors. It’s my way of giving back to the community and industry that has done so much for me
How many species / Breeds do you show?
– I show Wether sire sheep and Wether dam goats. I do breed some wether dam goats just for fun. I also have a herd made up of the special animals that over the years I haven’t been able to part with. They lounge around trimming my parents’ olive trees.


What does showing with your family mean to you?
– My Mom and I travel together to the shows. She and I have become really close and haven’t gone through a lot of the usual teen/parent drama that a lot of kids and parents go through. We know that we have to depend on each other in order to be successful. I also know that no one on earth has my back like my Mom does. That’s a really special feeling. My coach and coach’s assistants have also become family to me. I love this.


Who are your role models in the industry?
Jeff Greene, Jake Dooley, Garrett Bowe – These gentlemen along with Julie Adams and my mom have been my support system at the shows. Assisting me to achieve my goals.


What is your proudest accomplishment?
– Earning the title of Champion Market Lamb and Market Goat at the 2019 California State fair. The moment was incredible along with after the show finding out that I was the 1st ever exhibitor to win two different species in the same year at State Fair.





Describe what was the best part of achieving this accomplishment?
– Knowing that this achievement had never been done before and how hard I had to work for it. Exhibiting 10 head at the State Fair myself along with coaching 4 other exhibitors and assisting with their fair projects, was a lot of work and the reward was incredible. However, the real accomplishment that was made was being the mentor to other exhibitors and help them learn more about their projects and be part of their journey to their 1st state fair. Overall a rewarding experience, filled with comradery.


What is your show day ritual or good luck charm?
– My Mom – She doesn’t really do much to help but having her there means the world to me. Just knowing that she is watching and looking out for me makes me feel like I can achieve anything.


What is a show tip that you have for other exhibitors?
– The person you are and the animal you have when you walk into the show ring is the same when you walk out. It’s one judges opinion. Don’t stress about losing and don’t get all glossy about


What college are you attending or plan to attend? Major/Minor?
– I am a junior so I am still looking at schools. I know I for sure want to judge livestock, both junior and senior college. I plan to leave college as a human cardiac ultrasound specialist


What are your future goals?
– I’m not going to lie, my goals are pretty big. So big that some days even I can’t think about them. They are written down and are near and dear to my heart. I really don’t share them with anyone except my Mom and my coach, Jeff Greene





Tell us a quote that keeps you motivated, driven or dedicated?
– My original quote that I started with was “She believed she did so she could” I wore that on a bracelet for years. My most recent quote that I’m pondering is “You can give up, or rise up, you choose.” I really like this one as it speaks to so much in my life


How has this industry as a whole impacted your life?
– I started out when I came to live with my Mom at age eleven. I was 4 grades behind in school and had a tough time with a lot of things due to my bio family being a rough place to live. Right from the start, I knew I wanted to show sheep and do well. In order to do that I had to memorize facts and terms. I had to learn math to feed. Basically my drive to succeed taught me how to learn. Today I am a straight A student doing college-level work. I owe all of that to the stock show life.


Tell Us Your Favorites


What is your favorite species/breed?
– Market Goats and X-Bred Sheep


What is your favorite livestock show?
– Kansas City & Louisville


What is your favorite hobby when you are not showing?
– I love writing original songs and playing and singing them on my acoustic guitar.


What is your Favorite Show Day Product?
– Sullivan’s Sugar Coat – I admire the overall effect of the color, texture, and consistency of this product as it puts the final touched on the animal before they go in the ring.


What is your favorite memory from showing?
– In 2018, I had received champion honors in the Louisville Goat Showmanship contest. It was a special moment not only was I feeling good and on my showmanship game, but it was also filled with joy because of the comradery and sportsmanship I received after the handshake. It was an incredible feeling to be congratulated by so many of my fellow showmen that it made that moment feel extra special.


Most embarrassing moment at a show?
– At cow palace when I was in showmanship by belt came undone. I tried to not let it affect my presentation but the judge noticed and assisted me by holding my animal so I could adjust my belt and continue showing, how embarrassing. But the show must go on and I was back in action.


Anything else you would like to share with the livestock community?
– Treat people well. There is no way you can do this yourself. Your family and coaches and other exhibitors, it takes a village. Treat the folks in your village like gold because that is what they are. My coach, Jeff Greene, means the world to me and I am thankful to him every single day.


Most embarrassing moment at a show?
– At Cow Palace when I was in showmanship by belt came undone. I tried to not let it affect my presentation but the judge noticed and assisted me by holding my animal so I could adjust my belt and continue showing, how embarrassing. But the show must go on and I was back in action.






Product Highlight


What is a Sullivan Supply Product that you believe in?
– The Adhesives and Paints for getting Market goats ready for a show are second to none to achieve the ultimate look for the show ring.


How did you hear about the product?
– My family used to show cattle and it was a product line that we had always used on the cattle and we eventually used the product application on the goats.



“I would like to give some words of advice to exhibitors. Never give up, trust the process and if you give it your all and work hard for it, eventually you will be able to accomplish your dreams.” – Hailey


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