Epic, Intense and Nothing Like It

Steer Judge, Shane Bedwell, slightly chokes up while mentioning the devastating wildfires endured by Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado. Stating “Events like this give people in rural america something to cheer about…”

A moment these exhibitors will never forget!

Market Barrow Judge Will Winter shares a special moment with his daughter while selecting the Grand Champion. Not a dry eye in the house.

Grand Champion Goat is selected and it’s nothing but smiles for both the exhibitor and her goat.

An exciting entry into the Grand Champion Steer Selection

Shane Bedwell gives the Grand Champion Steer a nice slap

Sparks didn’t just fly during the opener, congratulations to all exhibitors on a successful OYE!

Seth Tucker sets up for a photo post drive

Bob Funk awarded tonight for his outstanding service with OYE, Funk also donated 5 Million dollars to the new OYE onward fundraising campaign.

Hunter McKinnon is all smiles and a little teary while being award the Bronze Medallion Award with her barrow

Taylor Glover is nothing but focus during the final drive


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