Shorthorn Junior National
8 a.m. Show Day | Judges: Taylor Frank and Blaine Rodgers
- Ring 1: B&O Purebred Female, B&O Shorthorn Plus Female
- Ring 2: Shorthorn Plus Female
6 p.m Awards Ceremony
8 a.m. Show Day | Judge: Cody Lowderman
- Percent Female, Black Red Carrier, B&O Female, B&O Bull, 100% Red Angus Steer, Percent Steer
MHBA- Mini Hereford
9 a.m. Show Day | Judge: Clint Rusk
- Pre Jr Bull, Junior Bull, Pre Jr Owned Heifer, and Jr Owned Heifer
MHJNA- Mini Hereford
8:30 a.m. Show Day | Judge: Shawn Varner
- Cow/Calf, B&O Heifer, B&O Bull, Owned Bulls, Prospect Steer, Market Steer