Crowning Champions in Iowa

Hunter Aggen clips a top.

The Kalvig crew is all hands on deck before champion drive!

Mike Jones concentrates on the back leg of the Reserve Grand Champion Market Animal.

Tracy Goretska uses Sullivan’s White Touch Up on the Third Overall Steer.

Garrett Kietzman double fists Sullivan’s Black Powderful and Tail Adhesive on the Reserve Champion Angus heifer.

Jess Recknor dials in the third overall heifers tailhead.

Thank you to the Cole Lauterbach and crew in trusting Sullivan Supply products!

Tyler Trihus uses Sullivan’s Black Finisher on the reserve champion female!

Rhylee Rodgers concentrates on the judge during champion drive.

A big shout out to all-star volunteer Brad Hook for announcing at the Iowa Beef Expo.


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