Coming Down the Back Stretch | National Junior Angus Show

Congratulations to Ella Brooks on your Grand Champion Owned Cow/Calf Pair this morning!

Addison Bartlow works her heifers hair.

All the emotions as Ellie Sennett was crowned Champion Bred & Owned Bull today. Congratulations, Sennett Family!

Calling in the big dogs, Adam Miller carves out a back leg.

Congratulations to Dawson Johnson on your Grand Champion Steer today!

Brandon Jones works his magic on a tailhead.

Tyler Musgraves pulls a back leg with Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive.

Eric McClure, tries his hand at steers this afternoon.

The look on Coehen Kirchner’s face says it all as Judge, Bob May names his Reserve Champion Steer.

Adam Erickson clips out this back leg.

Today is Will Blanker’s time to shine.

Jace Pipkin watches on as Will Gibson clips a tail head.

Brenna Bartlow blows out her heifer.

Oh Chute..  JW Cox got stuck on wash rack duty.


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