Come Sail Away | AKSARBEN (Grand Island, NE)

Congratulations to Thomas Netzke on being selected as the Supreme Champion Market Beef today!


Nolan Ferguson working his magic on a tailhead.


Levin Zwirn works on a front leg.


Lexi Croman uses Monkey Glue for the perfect tail ball.


Congratulations to Dayton Mortvedt on being selected the Supreme Champion Market Lamb!


Ty Webster front leg master.


Colton Knob smoothing up a leg.


Cody Burke all the focus, all the time.


Gracie Karst and Jackie Sleichter hug after Gracie’s steer was selected Reserve Supreme Market Beef.


Market Lamb Judge, Brent Jennings gives his final remarks during the Crossbred Lamb drive.


Wesley Denton pulls a back leg.


The one and only Brigham Stewart takes a break from campaigning to do a little clipping.


Mason Shalla gets his steer ready.


Thomas and Paige Netzke celebrate after their win.


The pulse archive