Cattlemen’s Congress | Heatin’ Up for the Shows

Brett Mortiary is setting a tailhead for the Red Angus Bull Show.

Shelby Skinner & Jad Watje preparing to ball a tail on their Charolais.

Gray Bradfield & Reid Groves are sporting their S/S and Sullivan’s Blaq hoodies.

Grace Vehige laughing at a joke while blowing animals out.

Sullivan Supply Sales Representative Addie Shaffer is hard at work in the north Sullivan Supply Trailer.

Amber Parkinson is laser-focused on the top.

Paige Van Dyke brushes animals out.

Kevin Smith starts on a new animal.

Cody Jensen preps for the upcoming show.

Haley Chandler blowing heifers after a long day.

Newt Hutchinson training hair.

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