Shelby Greiman getting her heifer dry.
Dustin Smith coaches Logan Schroeder along as he fits the front leg of his heifer.
Amanda and Jack Conley having a conversation about their show string.
Josie Heter lays the smoke on Cody Buswell’s hairdo before today’s Shorthorn show.
Avery Bates uses a Sullivan’s Smart Scrub Brush on his Angus bull’s tail.
Stephanie Steck embraces her Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer after their class win.
Landon and Luke Bolin watch eagerly as their Shorthorn heifer is in the ring.
Craig and Stephanie Steck place the final touches on their Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer before the Grand Drive.
Jaxon and Sammi Schrag compete in the Grand Drive of the Open Shorthorn Show.
Tommy Williams waiting to go into the Champion Shorthorn Bull drive