California State Fair | Candids

David Valdez using Sullivan’s Powderful for a natural hair like application on the tailhead.

Congratulations to the Wheeler family and Rodgers Livestock on their Supreme Champion Market Steer, thank you for trusting the Sullivan Supply product line.

Congratulations to Reserve Supreme Market Steer shown by Davey Dorr, Thank you for trusting in the Sullivan Supply product line.

Ashley Porter working on the hind leg of the reserve champion market steer.

Bryce Davis working on his Reserve Champion FFA Steer.

Secret Agents or future Sullivan Supply Sales Representatives, we’ll let you decide. Chance Ward socializes and Braden Wheeler uses his famous quote “hang loose” around the barns.

Aaron Kerlee maxing out the tailhead of his steer with Sullivan’s Powderful.

Hailee Ashbrook using Sullivan’s Tail Adhesive to fit the perfect tail.

Congratulations to Shane Smith on his Supreme Champion Market Lamb, Thank you for trusting the Sullivan Supply product line.

Alia Rodgers receiving the Champion had shake with her champion Dark Crossbred Barrow.

Lennon Utterback practicing for her future days in the show ring.

Carly Wheeler applying Sullivan’s Jet Black Touch Up to her reserve champion 4H steer.


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