Blackout Jackpot | Sullivan Supply/Stock Show U Team Fitting Contest

Stratton Wotowey clips his team’s Hereford heifer during the contest.

Malina Lindstrom uses Sullivan’s White Powderful, White Touch-Up, and a Teflon Comb to fit the front leg on her team’s heifer.

Jarrett Wagner doesn’t miss a hair when clipping a front leg.

Kaden Wilson uses Sullivan’s White Powderful and Final Bloom to fit his team’s heifer.

Jhett West, Bradon West, and Kayce Pearce worked together effortlessly to fit their calf.

Bo Naibauer fits his team’s steer.

Kara Nelson clips her team’s calf.

Austin Vieselmeyer plays it cool while clipping the tailhead on a heifer.

Jade Ketzner uses a pair of Andis Pulse ZR clippers to get the job done.


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