Big Day Under the Big Top | National Jr. Shorthorn Show

Judge, Lacey Robinson sorts through her Grand Bred & Owned Drive.

Drew Curtis has the right idea while fitting the Champion ShorthornPlus Market Steer.

Jeremy Colon uses the Pulse ZR Clippers and a Fresh and Feminine Smart Comb to clip this heifer.

Max Eaton blows out the front leg of a heifer.

The Final Drive of the Bred & Owned Show, congratulations to the Top 5 Champions!

Madeline Berg and her Dad, Josh, share a hug after she was selected Reserve Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female.

Joe Sevareid and Jack Fitzgerald play some Connect 4 at the Sullivan Supply Promo Booth.

Deb Vorthmann puts some final touches on Kane Aegeter’s heifer.

Jake Scott evaluates his Grand ShorthornPlus Drive.

Time Anderson dials in this tailhead.


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