From an experienced showman, beginner, or parent you are all guaranteed to learn something from the legendary Podcast of the Year, Beyond The Ring with Ryan Rash and Dale Hummel. With a duo of this caliber, you are sure to always be entertained and gain a wealth of knowledge. Whether discussing the process of transitioning from the showring to the sideline or the path of negotiating the purchase and sale of show stock from the first episode to the latest one aired, the knowledge, experience, and first hand experiences shared by these two is second to none.
Let’s get to know our hosts a little better:
Ryan Rash of Crockett, Texas is no stranger to the show ring or backdrop. From hogs to cattle and every species in between, growing up, he exhibited them all. With a very successful show career, he exhibited 13 Grand & Reserve Grand Champion Steers at major livestock shows all over the United States. Rash graduated from Texas A&M University were he was a member of the National Champion Intercollegiate Livestock Judging Team. Many may know Rash by his infamous glitter slap, beyond that he is one of the most sought after judges because of his impeccable eye for livestock evaluation, knowledge, presentation, and the way he interacts with exhibitors. All of the qualities and knowledge that make Rash an exemplary livestock enthusiast are found within each episode of Beyond The Ring.
Dale Hummel has been involved in the livestock industry from a very young age, he has always been very heavily involved in the decision making of raising livestock with his parents. Hummel attended the University of Illinois, receiving his graduate degree in Animal Science. During graduate school Hummel was given the unique opportunity to coach the livestock judging team. Hummel did not stop there, teaching and advocating for the livestock industry has always been a part of his life; he taught collegiate animal science courses and has been a livestock judge at many of the most prestigious shows across the country. He now focuses on his endeavors at home raising some of the best goats in the country. Hummel also is one the longest standing breeders of Savannah Cats having even sold one to Justin Bieber.
Beyond The Ring has a “deep passion for the livestock industry, the junior exhibitors and the families that make up this incredible industry. Knowing that our loyal listeners appreciate what we try to do every week means the world to us both. We will continue to be loud and proud advocates for livestock shows and livestock kids. We will do our best to be your voice, pushing to improve what is without a doubt the most spectacular industry in the world and undoubtedly the best place to raise a child.”