Best Of The Barns 2021 Publication Winner: The Showtimes

Most livestock enthusiasts are no stranger to picking up some type of livestock publication and thumbing through the pages and reading more on their passion.  Our industry happens to have a fan favorite magazine that is unmatched in diversity and content. The Showtimes Magazine offers a captivating way to expand your knowledge and stay up to date on the latest livestock news and stories for all ages.  There’s something exciting about turning those glossy pages and watching the industry unfold in front of you!



Brian, Laurie and Lisa Reid, the “masterminds” behind the Showtimes Magazine have dedicated their entire life to the livestock industry.  They saw a need for publication that was not breed or species specific and set out to create a magazine, not knowing that it would be the Best of the Barns Number One Publication! This family-owned publication was started by the Reid kids when they were just 15 (Lisa), 16 (Laurie), & 20 (Brian) years old in 2007. Their mom Betty also pitches in and runs the advertising sector.



While this group isn’t one to focus on their selves, their passion for the livestock industry shines through. When asked what their favorite part about creating issues is the answer was unanimous… “THE PEOPLE”.  Focusing on the youth is one thing they strive to accomplish. “Highlighting youth allows us to really bring to light all the talent this next generation has to offer” It’s especially fun for the Reids to see their friends, who they grew up competing against, thriving in industry leading rolls. Not all of the shows that they cover are with old friends, many are with up and coming leaders. The Showtimes has a very strong tie to many shows of all sizes including AGR shows, jackpots, and national shows.


Junior National season is a busy time for The Showtimes. They work with numerous shows and breed associations on being media partners. This involves the team being involved in show coverage, creating backdrops and other graphics for the show.


The Pulse is excited to continue working with this industry leading  publication, The Showtimes, at livestock events this year!






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