Benefits of Using Healthy Hide Lotion | Tips from Stock Show University®

When you think about one of the most essential components to any species and their daily care routine, keeping their hide healthy and hydrated has to come to mind. During this Stock Show University® tip, we will be covering the importance of using the superior Sullivan’s Healthy Hide Lotion, Heavy and Lite, in your show barn on your sheep, hogs, goats and slick shorn cattle.


Sullivan’s Healthy Hide Lotion, a must-use product for competitive lamb and goat exhibitors, is to be used after shearing, any species, to help condition the hide. With its outstanding ability to penetrate deep into the animal’s hide, this lotion was designed to heal skin cracks and abrasions, giving your animal a tighter, fresher appearance. 


Application of this product is simple for all users. Once the animal is sheared or clipped, shake well in the bottle and apply the lotion on the animal’s hide by rubbing it into the skin with your hands or a soft brush, such as the Sullivan’s Soft Body Brush or Sullivan’s Horse Hair Show Pig Brush. 


Like Sullivan’s Revive, also used for conditioning the hair and hide, this product also comes in two different options. Healthy Hide Lite, that is in the orange-colored label, is to be used when the temperature is above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. On the flip side, Healthy Hide Heavy, that is in the green-colored label, is to be used on animals when the temperature is below 65 degrees Fahrenheit.


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