Belt Buckle Bonanza | Stock Show University Clinics

To kick things off at Belt Buckle Bonanza, Sullivan Supply led with a Clipping Demo in the cattle arena.

Co-Owner of Sullivan Supply and Master Professor, Dan Sullivan, points out the high and low points on this steer during the clipping demo.

Sullivan Supply South’s SSU Coordinator, Ashley Swilley, passes out some free Sullivan Supply gear to the clinic’s attendees.

Micah Dorsey gets up close and person with the clippers as he works the hair on the neck during the demo.

Following the Clipping Demo was the Pig Clinic. Professor Zac Blount starts off with a few showmanship pointers. He was joined alongside Professor Luke Parr.

Professor Jimmy Key explains the key items an exhibitor may need during the SSU Sheep and Goat Clinic.


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