Steer Judge Chad Holtkamp delivering his final remarks after a tough steer show!
Crosby Jackman can’t go to a grand drive without his Sullivan pump-up sprayer.
All the emotion coming from Brisco Black after the goat drive!
Steer Judge Chad Holtkamp congratulating Ruby Bell after being crowned Champion Market Steer.
Market goat judge, Brandon Callis selected Madden Wise’s wether to be the KING of the goat ring.
Woah, what a night of champions at the American Royal!
If you can’t tell, Ruby Bell loves the American Royal and her Sullivan’s Stronghold halter!
Like always, Luke Doris focused on a topline.
Fitting black and white ones might be tricky for some, but Baylor Bonham can handle the job just fine.
You know the job will be done perfectly when Wade Rodgers has his clippers out.
Nolan Ferguson double fisting Tail Adhesive and Powder’Ful chuteside.
Who loves Powder’ful? Stock Martin does.
Jaylyn Schakel, Matilyn Lautner, and Max Launter were all smiles before grand drive.
Trey Goretska preparing his wether for grand drive with a game face on.
Full concentration was happening in the goat barn.
Nothing but perfect tailheads for Jared Boyert.
Ruby Bell’s biggest fans take time to pose for a picture!
Troy Goretska using his Andis Emerge clippers in the sheep barn.
Darbie Ross trusts Tail Adhesive to pull up a leg.
Cayson Brateland getting a champion handshake from associate hog judge, Will Taylor.
Sheep judges, Keith and Tanner Berry congratulate Hudson Franklin on his big win.