American Royal | Sullivan Supply Goat Team Fitting Contest Results

Champion Fitting Team
Congratulations to Brade Wright and Braelyn Miller
Pictured with Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag & Judges, Cooper Bounds & Carson Wheeler


Reserve Fitting Team
Congratulations to Delaney Gaff and Levi Wechter
Pictured with Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag & Judges, Cooper Bounds & Carson Wheeler

3rd Overall Fitting Team
Congratulations to Katie Miller and Aubrey Rothenbuhler
Pictured with Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag & Judges, Cooper Bounds & Carson Wheeler

4th Overall Fitting Team
Congratulations to Shelby Sprague and Mardi Scott
Pictured with Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag & Judges, Cooper Bounds & Carson Wheeler

5th Overall  Fitting Team
Congratulations to Calli Berwald and Charina Berwald
Pictured with Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag & Judges, Cooper Bounds & Carson Wheeler


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