American Royal | Round Three, Here We Go

Zane Ward trusts Blackout for the ultimate coverage.

Jaxon Schragg knows that Tail Adhesive is the go-to adhesive!

Echo Bartels hitting the Shorthorn stalls with Powder’ful.

Craig Steck picked the Teflon comb to master a topline.

Midwest sales representative, Danny Brink is here to serve you!

The Y-Not Cattle crew working as a team on Maine day.

Bailey Boyert putting the final touches on a heifer.

Whatcha jamming to Nick Fitzsimmons?

Dreams start at the American Royal.

Determination is key when you are in Kansas City!

Cheridan Soules uses her SMART comb to comb out a tail.

When in the wash rack, it is essential to bring a SMART scrub with you.


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