- Swine can come in from 8 am- 9 am for vet check. It is required by the state vet that all swine must be checked by the vet on site at the show before unloading.
- Exhibitors check-in from 9:30-10:30 am in the show barn. Please bring your health papers!
- All the barns should be available to use, however the power/lighting will be minimal. Please keep this in mind when planning on what to bring.
- Exhibitor meeting will be at 12:00 pm in the Cattle Barn by the backdrop.
- Line up for introductions/grand March will begin at 12:45 pm in the show ring. Please be wearing you local showdown shirt (you WILL show in these shirts as well)and be with the other qualifiers from your local showdown.
- Introductions/Grand March will begin at 1 pm.
- 15 minutes following the conclusion of Grand March/Introductions we will be starting with Breeding Heifers.
- Backdrops will be completed immediately following the completion of each species in the Cattle Barn. The rest of the show will continue while photos are being taken unless there is a quick change for an exhibitor.
- The show will be live-streamed through Mittag Designs for those wanting to join online.
- We can’t wait to see you all for an excellent day tomorrow!