AKSARBEN | Fitting Demo Winners

Congratulations to Fletcher Mooney for winning the Sullivan Defender Clipper Bag during the Cattle Fitting Demo. Pictured left to right: Sullivan Supply Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag, Fletcher Mooney, Purina Sales Representative Seth Bredmeier, Ryan Dunklau, Garret Long, Purina Sales Representative, Keeley Petska, and Kane Warren.

Congratulations to Misty Carey for winning the Sullivan Defender Clipper Bag during the Goat Fitting Demo. Pictured left to right: Purina Sales Representative Seth Bredmeier, Sullivan Supply Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag, Misty Carey, Kane Warren, and Purina Sales Representative, Keeley Petska.

Congratulations to Mike Tribbet for winning the Sullivan Defender Clipper Bag during the Sheep Fitting Demo. Pictured left to right: Purina Sales Representative, Brandi Salestrom, Sullivan Supply Stock Show U Manager, Tess Mittag, Mike Tribbet, and Purina Sales Representative Seth Bredmeier.

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