AK-SAR-BEN Supreme Champion Heifers

Supreme-HeiferSupreme Champion Breeding Heifer
Champion Commercial
Sire: Man Amongst Boys
Sold by: Paulsen Cattle
Bred by: Ron Borman
Congratulations to Kiley Elder of Ackworth, IA!

Reserve Supreme Champion Breeding Heifer
Champion Chianina
Sire: Monopoly
Dam: Who Da Ma
Sold by: Bret Sieck
Bred by: Sullivan Farms and Bret Sieck
Congratulations to Hannah Esch of Unadilla, NE!

Third Overall Breeding Heifer
Champion SimAngus
Sire: I-80
Sold and Bred by: Schaeffer Tice Show Cattle
Congratulations to Kennedy Core of Pleasantville, IA!

Fourth Overall Breeding Heifer
Champion Shorthorn
SULL Roses are Red ET
Sire: SULL Red Reward
Bred and Raised by: Sara Sullivan
Congratulations to Sara Sullivan of Dunlap, IA!

Fifth Overall Breeding Heifer
Champion Angus Heifer
Sire: Sure Deal
Sold and Bred by: Burns Angus
Congratulations to Abe Troyer of Kalona, IA!


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