It takes army to show cattle, and the Berg Family does it a family foucus.
Nolan and Nora Hoge watch their brother, Carter in the Champion Junior Limousin Drive.
Nate Kolterman uses a Sullivan’s Teflon Comb on a topline.
Super Stick, Jeff Paulsen, sticks his way to Champion Open Limousin Female today.
Kaylee Kuykendall leads Cole Sullivan’s heifer to the ring this afternoon.
Emily Lochner combs in some Sullivan’s Revive Lite before going to tie out tonight.
Tyler Atwood dials in a belly.
Jared Boyert works his magic on Carter Hoge’s Champion Junior Limousin Female.
Tony Jeffs smokes in a topline this afternoon.
Justin Vehige loves Sullivan’s Flare, do you?