A Porky Thursday in DSM!

Judge Brandon Yantis takes another look at the third overall crossbred barrow.

Hunter McKinnon drives in her Grand Champion Crossbred Barrow into the final drive.

Judges Grant Grebner and Jon Althaus discuss the barrows a final time before selecting Supreme Champion Purebred Barrow.

Even Bryce Bedeker knows that getting chewed on every now and then is good for ya!

Congratulations to Hunter McKinnon on having an extremely memorable World Pork Expo! Congratulations on all your success!

Carter Hoge is sure to cool off his Duroc before going into the ring.

Jess Hawk drives his Reserve Champion Poland China barrow.

Have you ever seen so many kids this focused at one time?

Cody and Brad Goehring of Pink Genetics using Sullivan’s White Handle Whip to exercise their pigs.


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