A Day at The Ranch | Green & Gold Showdown – Blackout Jackpot

Jerrod Arthur celebrates with son, Kelton, after winning Supreme Champion Heifer!

Jessica Middleswarth makes last minute touches by doing the tail on a heifer.

Wyatt and Hadley Dunklau were quite happy to get their picture taken!

Riley Schleichter shows his Champion Maine-Anjou Heifer in the final drive.

Kevin Ochsner puts the final touches on daughter Ashlyn’s Champion Limousin Heifer before the grand drive.

Lisa Reid makes a special presentation to Loren and Maureen Broad for all of their support of the Blackout Jackpot over the years.

David Smith shows his Champion Shorthorn Heifer in the grand drive.

Blackout heifer show judge Josh Elder ponders his decision for Supreme Champion.

Karly Kolterman shows her Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer in the grand drive.


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