Heimer Hampshires Sale tomorrow

Between the weather and time away for the National Western in Denver, we’re behind – very behind – but it’s SALE TIME once again and we’re excited to offer another incredible set of pigs on Thursday, the 25th at Showpig.com!
Tune in to Walton Webcasting TODAY at 1:00 PM CST to watch the preview and hear comments about the offering. Encore showing will happen tomorrow on sale day.
We appreciate everyone who’s already been to the farm to view this set in person. It’s not too late to schedule an appointment with Karl (217) 653-3941 to see them.
Reach out with questions!
Karl (217) 653-3941
Boots (660) 631-5379
Wade (217) 209-2953
Brenden (620) 505-0056
Jesse (217) 257-0138

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