Before the selection of the Supreme Champion 4-H Heifer, all of the champion females had to spend a little time in the chute! Here are a few of the hot shots we grabbed!
Champion Chi heifer for Kendall Leonhard.
Champion Hereford Female for the Trennepohl family.
Reserve Hereford female in the chute for the Farmer family.
Reserve Simmental female for the Eggersman family.
The Champion Shorthorn female getting worked on before a 5th place finish for Sheridan Fox.
Great work on the Reserve ShorthornPlus steer.
Cole Reiboldt and his champion Simmental female.
Clark Chamberlain and Dru Goetemoeller washing out the Supreme Champion Female.
Reserve Angus for the Patton family.
Champion Angus for Kallie Ann Knott!