California Two-Day Cattle Stock Show University® Grad Program | Today was super-california-listic-expialidocious

The Stock Show U Table brought everyone’s favorite Daily Care Items out of the show box.

Stock Show University Manager, Tess Mittag kicking off the clinic and answering questions.

West Coast Sales Representative, Tyson Brem, goes over all the different soaps Sullivan Supply offers.

Which Fair brother is better at jumping jacks?

The chutes were lined up and full of students gathered around.

As always, there is time for fun and giveaways!

Professor Frank Imhof explains what different combs and brushes can be used for.

Professors Weston & Treyton Fair showing the proper way to use a foamer and get your calf clean.

Professor JW McCurry reviewing how to fight off ringworm with Fighting Five!

The Professors answering every single clipping question before students begin on their own.

Stock Show University Manager, Tess Mittag helping during one on one clipping.

Henry was ready to take on the Dodge Ball tournament!

Lane may not have been the cupcake eating champion but he was a good sport!