2022 American Gelbvieh Foundation Scale and Rail Contest and Steer Challenge

The results are in, and champions have been awarded in the 2022 American Gelbvieh Foundation (AGF) Scale and Rail Contest and Steer Challenge. The contest harvested 90 head from 15 participants, awarding $3,625 in cash prizes and 21 banners sponsored by the AGF.

For complete contest results, visit: https://gelbvieh.org/frontpage-article/champions-awarded-in-seventh-annual-american-gelbvieh-foundation-scale-and-rail-contest-and-steer-challenge?fbclid=IwAR14Sg2HACV0fZ6XW4D5uLTpUsgeLoZMGOtRFTZPdlO2EVd3u1uI53XHOFc

The pulse archive