2022 NJSS Contacts

We have wrapped up the Junior Show, and Friday includes all things NJSA contests! Let’s have an excellent FriYAY! Show catalogs and show results are available at https://bit.ly/3bBaC71. Listed below is the information you need to stay updated on #NJSS2022 and #STC2022!
Event Information: nationalswine.com
Walton Webcasting: waltonwebcasting.com
Kennedy Ventures CCI.Live: https://www.cci.live/
Legacy Livestock Imaging: legacylivestockimaging.com
Sale Contact Information
Mick Bellamy: 765-427-7741
Clay Parrish: 765-421-1155
NSR Facebook: National Swine Registry
NJSA Facebook: National Junior Swine Association (NJSA)
Twitter: @NationalSwine
Instagram: nsr_njsa or National Swine Registry
Snapchat: nsr_njsa or National Swine Registry
TikTok: nsr_njsa or National Swine Registry

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